Saturday, August 1, 2015

Cheetah in Action and St Lucia Estuary

Yesterday afternoon we went on another game drive and saw many of the same animals in many of the same places. But one new sight were two male giraffes being very affectionate with each other (in a very masculine way I am sure). The picture below shows one of them rubbing the top of his head along the neck of the other.

Then we found the cheetah that in the morning was laying around doing nothing but in the afternoon was out on the hunt. We saw him stalking a nyala (kind of antelope) and chasing it but didn't catch it and spent some time laying about (as cats do) keeping an eye out for any other prey.

This morning we left the private reserve and went to the nearby town of St Lucia on the Indian Ocean where we took a boat up the Estuary and saw crocodiles, hippos, a fish eagle, and a goliath heron. Below Steph is holding a hippo tooth.

Our guide told us that the locals in St Lucia had to be careful because at night hippos roamed the streets and sometimes crocodiles walked down the streets. We found news articles about the hippos but couldn't verify that crocodiles were seen on the streets of St Lucia.

Tomorrow we transfer to Phinda.

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