Saturday, July 25, 2015

South Africa Itinerary

We are spending 6 days on safari then 5 days in Cape Town. We will be staying at the Zulu Nyala Safari Game Lodge.

The safari camp is on the northern east coast of South Africa, Cape Town is on the southwest tip.

We depart Los Angeles on Tuesday, July 28, fly through Amsterdam and arrive in Johannesburg on Wednesday night. We stay over in a hotel then flight out on Thursday for Durban where we are picked up and driven to the safari camp hotel. We are there July 31 - Aug 4 then leave on the 5th to fly to Cape Town. We are staying at the MannaBay Hotel. There we will eat, visit wine country, shop, see the sights, and relax after being on safari.

Revisions: I wrote the previous a couple of days before the start of the trip and there have been some last minute changes. On Monday morning we woke to a text and email from Delta saying our flight from LA to Amsterdam had been canceled apparently due to weather. We had KLM flights booked through Delta as a code share. We got on the phone with Delta and were booked on much better flights through Atlanta, on Delta planes. We hadn't booked that originally because it was twice the price of the KLM flights. We got to leave out of San Diego instead of LA and we arrived in Johannesburg 4 hours earlier.

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